
Python Project 2: Portfolio Optimization and Analysis

Author: Chinh X. Mai, Date: July 3, 2022


Project description

This project focuses on constructing, optimizing, and analyzing a portfolio of chosen stocks in Python. Considering a realistic scenario when one has a certain amount of fund and wants to invest in the stock market either to make profit or to keep its value. He needs to know which stocks to buy and by how much. His friend has chosen some potential stocks (Table 1) and now he only needs to decide how to spend the money.

Symbol Company Name Last Price Change % Change Volume
ALV.DE Allianz SE 181.04 -0.16 -0.09% 1,069,053
MRK.DE MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien 165.1 0.3 0.18% 313,644
DTE.DE Deutsche Telekom AG 18.84 -0.04 -0.20% 6,880,550
VOW3.DE Volkswagen AG 138.88 -0.3 -0.22% 913,070
DBK.DE Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 8.89 -0.03 -0.33% 10,112,593
HNR1.DE Hannover Rück SE 136.4 -0.45 -0.33% 95,892

Table 1: list of suggested stocks to invest in (source: Yahoo! Finance, accessed on June 27, 2022)

These stocks are some components of the DAX30 Index, which includes many German blue chip companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. This analysis will go through the process of constructing and validating the performance of a stocks portfolio that can serve the needs of the investor. This process will also provide many insights for the investor to understand the investment strategy that he can take to adjust the performance of the portfolio.

Executive summary

This project demonstrates my familiarity with many python packages used to perform a wide range of tasks necessary to optimize a portfolio. Besides the core packages used to calculate and manipulate data such as pandas and numpy, plotly is also used extensively to visualize stock data in the analysis and many simulations. Moreover, many utility functions and a class are generated from functions in pypfopt to simulate and present the optimization results. In details, the project aims to achieve the following objectives:

Besides these objectives, the project also showcases my ability to utilize flexibly different tools provided by different packages in Python and present the results in an authentic and aesthetic manner.

Detailed documentation

For detailed documentation, please refer to the project repository using the following link:

Python Project 2 Github

or access the analysis workbook directly

Python Project 2 Workbook